Begin Your Child's Journey to Unlimited Future Opportunities

step 1


Thank you for choosing our excellent prep school. Our main entry points are in Years 3, 4 and 7, though we do accept boys in other year groups when occasional places become available. Kindly complete our registration form below to apply for a place and begin the admissions process.

Register Now

Boys currently at Wetherby School have priority to places at Wetherby Preparatory School in Year 4. Parents need to complete a transfer form at any point up to the end of Year 2 and the boys will then have an assessment during the Autumn Term in Year 3, with places offered in the normal way.

Wetherby Transfer Form

Applications are still open for 7/8+. Limited spaces available.

step 2


Candidates complete an online assessment using a standardised testing platform, providing an age-appropriate understanding of their Maths and English ability, and participate in interactive workshops with our staff. The majority of tests take place in November, with tests for any late applications taken between January and March.

step 3

Receive an Offer

The outcomes of assessments and workshops will determine which candidates receive places. Formal offers will be sent to candidates who have secured a definite place. 


step 4


Should our offer be accepted, we will request an Acceptance Deposit. Your child then enrols in Wetherby Prep School.

Contact Us Today

For further information about the admissions process, please click the button below to submit an enquiry. Our friendly team will be happy to assist you with your application.