
The fees for the 2024-2025 academic year are £9,505 per term. This includes all tuition, lunches, textbooks and Common Entrance exam fees. Fees are reviewed on an annual basis and parents informed of any increase for the following September at the end of the Spring Term.

music and drama

All instruments: £325 per term

school bus

Shuttle bus: £825 per term (round trip)

school activities and late club

These are charged individually, the cost also being advised at the time of enrolment. Please note the full term charge is payable on booking regardless of whether or not the boy attends all the sessions.

school trips

School day trips are included in the fees (with a few exceptions). Residential trips are billed to the parents, the total amount to be divided in two terms. Please note that the full charge may still be payable if a boy does not attend on the day, particularly in respect of charges committed in advance.


All the above fees and costs are added to your term’s invoice unless advised otherwise. Payment is due on the first day of each term, a 10% charge will be added to late payments. Payment by cheque or direct to our bank account: Sort Code: 20-00-00 and Account Number: 83217469. Please ensure the reference field is completed with your son’s name.

terms and conditions

Please follow the link for the Wetherby Preparatory School Terms and Conditions (updated Summer Term 2023): Terms and Conditions