
gifted and talented

Wetherby Preparatory School is committed to identifying and advancing boys who are considered gifted or talented. Boys who excel in different areas of the curriculum are identified by Heads of Department and schemes of work are written to ensure lessons are planned to extend and challenge these most able boys. This means that even at the top, there is room for improvement and ensures that all boys continue to progress which stimulates motivation for learning. Boys develop their thinking skills and are encouraged from an early age to become independent in their learning.

Wetherby Preparatory School has developed their own unique set of ‘challenges’ that are given to those boys identified as being Gifted and Talented. The challenges run each term and involve subject specific, extended projects which boys are encouraged to plan, create and evaluate on their own. Feedback is then given to each boy to help them identify their strengths and weaknesses, ensuring he continues to be pushed and reach his full potential.